Building Communities Through Savings Groups!
Early last year, we phased our programs out of Musanze District. Our interventions were at their optimal standing, and so we handed over all activities to the authorities.
A few days ago, we went back to visit the communities we worked with in various sectors in Musanze. We visited the Savings Groups that had been established during the program.
The self-capitalized savings groups borrow and lend to each other to grow small-scale income-generating businesses to improve their livelihoods. We conducted two focus group discussions with one 30-member savings group and a 27-member group in Rwambogo and Nyarubande Cells, respectively.
Mothers from the savings groups shared the role of their groups in accessing small loans, enabling them to start projects that support them to grow and eat nutritious food with their families. Agnes Nyirabasirimu, the leader of Nyarubande Savings Group, shared the effectiveness of the group since GHI’s departure.
“This year after the shared revenue, I bought a goat and I was able to afford nutritious food for my child. Every mother in this group has to present what they have done with the money to keep each other accountable,” She says. “This savings group has improved my life,” Agnes adds.
It was great to experience the long-term impact of the groups, even without supervision.
With Gratitude & Veggies,
The M&E Team.